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Paperless Branch

Dear <Prenume Nume>,

Thank you for choosing Raiffeisen Bank. Please find attached the documents that you signed on the electronic screen provided to you by the bank during your visit in our agency, to be used for further reference with a simple click or touch.

These documents are being transmitted in order to carry out existing legal relations between you and the bank, regardless of you legal standing (Account holder/ Proxy/ Legal representative).

We are glad that you trusted our biometric signature system that makes your life easier and that protects the environment.

With friendship,
Raiffeisen Bank Team


Raiffeisen Bank S.A. is registered under the ANSPDCP register in order to process and account for confidential personal data under no. 1967, as a data operator in order to conduct banking operations under n0. 189, as an advertising and marketing operator acording to Law no. 677/2001