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Draga Prenume nume,

Bun venit in lumea Raiffeisen Premium Banking!

Iti multumim pentru ca ai ales Raiffeisen Bank, una dintre cele mai apreciate si premiate institutii bancare din Romania, drept partener pentru nevoile tale financiare.

Echipa noastra isi indreapta atentia spre oferirea celor mai eficiente si flexibile solutii bancare, care sa corespunda obiectivelor tale.

Odata cu pachetul Premium Banking, ai la dispozitie avantaje premium, gandite pentru a-ti oferi confort si satisfactie depline:

Consultanta financiara completa, in functie de profilul si activitatea ta

Bancherul personal, care este alaturi de tine prin recomandarile financiare pe care ti le propune, in functie de contextul si nevoile tale

Produse si servicii bancare complexe, pe care le poti accesa gratuit prin serviciile de internet banking si mobile banking

Acces in zonele premium din agentiile bancii, pentru atentia si tratamentul preferential pe care le meriti


In plus, in primele 3 luni, beneficiezi de taxa de administrare zero la pachetul tau Premium Banking.

De acum, bancherul personal este partenerul tau. Acesta se va asigura ca vei primi toate informatiile de care ai nevoie pentru a face alegerile potrivite in legatura cu evolutia vietii tale financiare. Nu ezita sa-l contactezi atunci cand doresti sa primesti recomandarile unui expert financiar sau detaliile privind serviciile si produsele pe care le poti accesa prin pachetul Premium Banking.

Suntem mereu alaturi de tine, prin liniile dedicate clientilor Premium, 0800 811 111, numar apelabil gratuit din reteaua Telekom Romania Mobile, sau 021 408 2811, numar cu tarif normal apelabil din orice retea de telefonie fixa sau mobila.

Iti multumim inca o data pentru ca ai ales serviciile noastre si te asiguram ca la Raiffeisen Bank ai mereu un partener de incredere.

Cu prietenie,
Echipa Raiffeisen Premium Banking

Dear Firstname Lastname,

Welcome to the Raiffeisen Premium Banking world!

Thank you for selecting Raiffeisen Bank as your partner, one of the most appreciated and
award-winning banks in Romania. Our team focuses on providing you with the most efficient and flexible banking solutions.

With the Premium Banking package, you can access premium benefits, that will help you make the most of your interaction with the bank:

Complete financial advisory, tailored to your needs and objectives

Your personal banker, a financial expert who advises on solutions that suit you best

A wide range of banking products and services, which you can access free of charge using the internet banking and mobile banking services

Dedicated premium areas in the agencies, for complete confidentiality and privacy

Furthermore, you get 0 monthly administration charge for your Premium Banking package in the first 3 months of our relationship.

From this point on, your personal banker is the partner that stands by your side and will provide you with all the information you need for your financial evolution. Do not hesitate to contact him whenever you need to get financial advisory or complete details on the products and services.

We are always here for you also through our dedicated call center phone lines, at 0800 811 111, Telekom Romania Mobile toll free number, or at 021 408 2811, regular charge number available from any telephone network.

Once again, thank you for choosing our services and we assure you that at Raiffeisen Bank you have a partner that you can always rely on.

Yours sincerely,
The Raiffeisen Premium Banking Team

0800 811 811

Luni-Duminica: 24/24h
Numar apelabil gratuit, fara prefix, din reteaua Telekom Romania.

Monday-Sunday: 24/24h
Toll free number, no code required in Telekom Romania network.

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