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Raiffeisen Premium Banking - Primul serviciu de Premium Banking din Romania

Draga <Prenume>,

Suntem mereu alaturi de tine cu produse si servicii bancare Premium care sa te ajute in tot ceea ce faci. De aceea, am introdus noi beneficii pentru tine:

NOUTATI Pachet Premium
Retragere gratuita numerar la orice ATM din Romania

Retragere gratuita numerar la orice ATM din Romania
Ne-am gandit ca gasirea unui bancomat sa nu fie o problema pentru tine. Astfel, acum poti retrage bani de la orice ATM din Romania fara costuri suplimentare, pentru ca ai comision zero prin cardul de debit Gold.

Gratuitate card de debit in valuta

Gratuitate card de debit in valuta
Acum beneficiezi de un card de debit in valuta gratuit (EUR sau USD), fara taxa initiala de emitere, administrare sau reinnoire, pentru platile tale din strainatate.

Totodata, am adus un plus de inovatie serviciilor electronice care iti aduc mai multa mobilitate.

NOUTATI Smart Mobile si Raiffeisen Online
Verificare sold fara sa intri in aplicatie

Verificare sold fara sa intri in aplicatie
Aplicatiei Smart Mobile i-am adaugat o extensie in zona de notificari prin care iti verifici soldul si trimiti bani catre sabloanele preferate mai rapid ca oricand. Activeaz-o din meniul aplicatiei, in sectiunea Administrare Widget.

Autentificare cu amprenta

Autentificare cu amprenta
Tot pentru Smart Mobile, doar pentru telefoanele cu sistem de operare iOS care recunosc amprenta, am introdus autentificarea in baza ei. Dupa o actualizare a aplicatiei Smart Mobile din AppStore, poti activa logare cu amprenta din Administrare dispozitive - Autentificare cu amprenta.

Plata impozite si taxe de pe telefon

Plata impozite si taxe de pe telefon
Atat in aplicatia Smart Mobile, cat si in Raiffeisen Online, exista acum campul Impozite si taxe pentru a achita sumele reprezentand impozite, contributii sau alte taxe datorate bugetului de stat sau bugetelor locale. Detaliile de plata se aleg din liste predefinite sau sunt precompletate, astfel ca vei introduce un set minim de informatii.

Toate aceste noi beneficii ale pachetului Premium sunt disponibile chiar acum pentru tine.

In continuare, bancherul tau personal <Prenume Nume> din <Nume Agentie> iti va oferi intregul suport si solutii pentru a te bucura de toate avantajele serviciului Premium Banking.

Cu prietenie,
Echipa Raiffeisen Premium Banking

Dear <Fristname>,

We are always beside you with Premium products and services that help you in everything you do. Therefore, we have introduced new benefits for you:

NEW for Premium Package
Free cash withdrawal from any ATM in Romania

Free cash withdrawal from any ATM in Romania
We thought that finding an ATM should not be a problem for you. Thus, you can now withdraw money from any ATM in Romania without any additional costs, because you have zero fees with Gold debit card.

Free of charge currency debit card

Free of charge currency debit card
Now you can get a free currency debit card (EUR or USD), without initial issuing, administration or renewal fees, for your payments abroad.

We have also innovated our electronic banking services that bring you more mobility.

NEW for Smart Mobile and Raiffeisen Online
Checking balance without entering the app

Checking balance without entering the app
We added to the Smart Mobile application an extension in the notifications screen where you check your balance and send money to your favorite templates faster than ever. Activate it in the app menu, from Manage Widget.

Fingerprint authentification

Fingerprint authentification
Also for Smart Mobile, only for iOS phones recognizing fingerprints, we have introduced fingerprint authentication. After an update of Smart Mobile on the AppStore, you can enable this log in from Manage Devices - Fingerprint Authentication.

Paying taxes on your phone

Paying taxes on your phone
Both in Smart Mobile application and in Raiffeisen Online, there is now the Taxes field, where you can pay the amounts representing taxes, contributions or other fees due to the state budget or local budgets. Payment details are selected from predefined lists or they are pre-filled, so that you introduce a minimum set of information.

All these new benefits of the Premium package are available right now for you.

Your personal banker <Complete Name> from <Agency Name> will offer you full support and solutions so that you can enjoy all the advantages of Premium Banking.

Yours sincerely
Raiffeisen Premium Bank Team

0800 811 111

0800 811 111


Program non-stop. / Non-stop program.
Numar apelabil gratuit, fara prefix, din reteaua Telekom Romania.
Toll free number in Telekom Romania network

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