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Dragă [prenume nume client],

Avem placerea de a te anunta ca noul bancher personal, te invita in
Agentia Raiffeisen Bank [Denumire completa Agentie].

Datele sale de contact sunt urmatoarele:
[Nume complet RM Nou],
Telefon mobil: [Nr telefon mobil RM Nou]
Email: [Email RM Nou]

Cu prietenie,
Echipa Raiffeisen Premium Banking

Dear [prenume nume client],

We have the pleasure to inform you that your new personal banker, is inviting you in Raiffeisen Bank [Denumire completa Agentie] Branch.

Please find below the contact data:
[Nume complet RM Nou],
Mobile number: [Nr telefon mobil RM Nou]
Email: [Email RM Nou]

Yours sincerely,
The Raiffeisen Premium Banking Team

0800 811 111

Luni-Duminica: 24/24h
Numar apelabil gratuit, fara prefix, din reteaua Telekom Romania.

Monday-Sunday: 24/24h
Toll free number, no code required in
Telekom Romania network.

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You have received this email because your email address is in the Raiffeisen Bank S.A. database, following your expressed acceptance regarding the receiving of informative messages from Raiffeisen Bank S.A. This message is addressed to you with the purpose of informing you regarding the services, products or activities carried on by Raiffeisen Bank S.A and it is transmitted to you with the purpose of keeping you updated with the latest products/services that we offer and the activities that we carry on. In conformity with the law regarding electronic content, this message cannot be considered spam because: • It contains the identification data of the addresser; • It contains instructions of how to unsubscribe; • Receiving the offer does not involve you financially. Read Legal Terms. In case the Internet provider filters the received emails, please add the address info@raiffeisenbank.ro in your Address Book, in order to make sure that you receive all the information from Raiffeisen Bank S.A. in due time.

If you no longer wish to receive information via email from Raiffeisen Bank S.A., please click the next link. / Daca nu mai doresti sa primesti informatii pe email din partea Raiffeisen Bank S.A., apasa urmatorul link: Click aici.