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Primul serviciu de premium banking din Romania.

Draga [Prenume Nume Client],

Iti multumim pentru increderea acordata zi de zi.

Te invitam in orice agentie Raiffeisen Bank, cu actul de identitate, pentru a actualiza sau confirma datele personale de identificare si contact.

Aceasta solicitare este in conformitate cu Regulamentul BNR 9/2008, privind cunoasterea clientelei, si este cuprinsa in Conditiile Generale de Derulare a Operatiunilor Bancare, semnate la deschiderea relatiei cu Raiffeisen Bank.

Prin actualizarea datelor personale, vei fi mereu la curent cu informatii despre produsele si serviciile detinute, precum si cu noutatile, promotiile si activitatea Raiffeisen Bank.

In plus daca iti actualizezi datele personale de identificare pana la 31 august, poti castiga
o tableta iPad Air, alaturi de gratuitate la pachetul Premium Banking timp de 1 an.

Poti gasi cea mai apropiata agentie Raiffeisen Bank aici.

Pentru informatii suplimentare, te rugam sa contactezi bancherul personal.

Cu prietenie,

Echipa Raiffeisen Premium Banking

Dear [Prenume Nume Client],

Thank you for your trust and confidence in us.

We invite you, with your ID card, to update or confirm your personal identification and contact data registered in our bank’s records, in any Raiffeisen Bank Branch.

This request is in accordance with the NBR Regulation 9/2008, on customer due diligence, and is contained in the General Conditions for conducting banking operations, signed at the beginning of your partnership with Raiffeisen Bank.

By updating your personal identification data, you will always be informed about your products and services with Raiffeisen Bank, our latest news, campaigns and activity.

Furthermore, if you update your personal identification data until August 31, you can win
an iPad Air and zero monthly fee for 1 year for your Premium Banking Package.

You can find the nearest Raiffeisen Bank Branch by clicking here.

For further information, please contact your personal banker.

Yours sincerely,

Raiffeisen Premium Banking


0800 811 811


Luni-Duminica: 24/24h
Numar apelabil gratuit, fara prefix, din reteaua Romtelecom.

Monday-Sunday: 24/24h
Toll free number, no code required in Romtelecom network.

Ai primit acest email deoarece adresa ta este in baza de date a Raiffeisen Bank S.A. Acest mesaj iti este adresat cu scopul de a te informa despre necesitatea actualizarii datelor tale personale in relatie cu Raiffeisen Bank S.A. Iti adresam acest mesaj pentru a realiza informarea ta rapida privind cerintele Raiffeisen Bank S.A., rezultate din desfasurarea activitatii curente. In conformitate cu legea privind comertul electronic, acest mesaj nu poate fi considerat spam, deoarece: • contine datele de identificare ale expeditorului; • contine instructiuni de dezabonare; • primirea ofertei nu va implica financiar; Citeste Termeni legali. In cazul in care furnizorul de servicii de Internet filtreaza e-mail-urile primite, te rugam sa adaugi adresa info@raiffeisenbank.ro in Address Book-ul tau, pentru a te asigura ca primesti la timp informarile din partea Raiffeisen Bank S.A.

You have received this email because your email address is in the Raiffeisen Bank S.A. database, following your expressed acceptance regarding the receiving of informative messages from Raiffeisen Bank S.A. This message is addressed to you with the purpose of informing you regarding the need to update your personal contact data registered in the bank's records. We are addressing this message to you in order to update you with the Raiffeisen Bank's requests, resulted from the current activities. In conformity with the law regarding electronic content, this message cannot be considered spam because: • It contains the identification data of the addresser; • It contains instructions of how to unsubscribe; • Receiving the offer does not involve you financially; Read Legal Terms. In case the Internet provider filters the received emails, please add the address info@raiffeisenbank.ro in your Address Book, in order to make sure that you receive all the information from Raiffeisen Bank S.A. in due time.

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